Driade Flow Cable Reviews
The best Flow of Music
Audio Experts' opinions
Read what high-end audio experts have written about the Flow cables. Everything and more there is to know about the Driade Flow cables. With its outstanding specifications, superb flow, pace, rythm & timing, Driade Flow can compete with the best of the best.

Driade Flow Reference 808 speakercable
“As such, it is meant for those who wish to obtain the most neutral sound with the highest level of resolution and transparency, delicately balanced with airiness, refinement, and fluidity.”
Christiaan Punter

Driade Flow Link Reference 808 XLR and RCA
“I do consider them to be class leaders and I recommend them wholeheartedly.”
Christiaan Punter

Driade Flow Link Reference 808 XLR Interlinks
“these Driade Flow Link Reference 808 XLR interlinks will push your sound system to a substantially higher performance level. With these Flow Link Reference 808 interlinks by Driade System you will enjoy your valuable music collection with heart and soul for many years to come.”
Harro Tillema

Review: Driade Systems Flow Cables
Heel plezierig, boeiend, gemakkelijk en met enorm veel rust in de achtergrond. Geen verschil in kabels? Zet de oren open en luister maar eens onbevooroordeeld. Dan zijn de verschillen duidelijk aanwezig.
René van Es

Driade Flow Link Reference 808 XLR Interlinks
“dan zult u uw set met deze Driade Flow Link Reference 808 XLR interlinks namelijk naar een
substantieel hoger niveau duwen zodat u op uw beurt weer vele jaren met hart en ziel kunt
genieten van uw waardevolle muziekcollectie”
Harro Tillema

Review Driade Flow Link Reference 808 interlinks – Een luchtige link
Mede door het neutrale en snelle karakter is het een kabel die heel
breed toepasbaar is en in feite geen zaken fout kan doen in een systeem. En dat is een kracht die we erg waarderen in een interlink. Immers: de beste kabel is geen kabel. En als je er dan eentje nodig hebt, wil je dat deze geen signatuur achterlaat. Toch?
Jaap Veenstra
Alpha Audio

Review Driade Flow Link Reference 808 interlinks – Get Connected
Partly because of its neutral and fast character, it is a cable that can be used very widely and in fact can do no wrong in a system. And that’s a strength we really appreciate in an interlink. After all: the best cable is no cable. And then when you need one, you want it to leave no signature. Right?
Jaap Veenstra
Alpha Audio

Driade Flow 405
“What a fine speaker cable. The Driade Flow is one of those cables that you don’t realize is present. And that’s exactly how we like it… uh… hear it. Partly because of this feature the Driade Flow will feel at home anywhere. And grow with it. ”
Jaap Veenstra
Alpha Audio

Driade Flow 405
“Wat een fijne speakerkabel. De Driade Flow is zo’n kabel waarvan je niet doorhebt dat hij aanwezig is. En dat is precies hoe we het graag zien… uh… horen. Mede door deze eigenschap zal de Driade Flow zich overal wel thuis voelen. En meegroeien. De prijs van 800 euro per paar van drie meter is ook nog te overzien. Kortom: dikke aanrader en Alpha Approved!”
Jaap Veenstra
Alpha Audio

Driade Flow 405
“This cable truly is something else. It has a smooth, free-flowing, organic and highly involving delivery that, quite unusually, does not come along with a lack of focus or a reduction in dynamic slam. This cable can be ever so seductive and alluring but it also roars in a super-bold and expressive fashion just as the music requires.”
Christiaan Punter

Driade Flow 405
“Driade Flow loudspeaker cables produce a wonderful broad and deep soundstage.”
Harro Tillema
Music Emotion

“Based on HFA review I decided to order the Flow 405 cable and I’m happy to report that this cable is really special and amazing value. It felt super comfortable replacing my Nordost cables costing three times the price. A great match for my highly revealing Piega Coax 90.2 speakers.”
“As an audio enthusiast always striving for the magic touch I borrow a lot of speaker cables from local dealers, eventually buying some.
Learning that I was not looking for the ultimate highs, mids or lows because each cable had a part of the audio spectrum that was missing. The missing part for me was the growing feeling that I lacked the Goosebumps I was subconsciously looking for.
Hearing jorma design / tellurium ultra black 2 / chord sarum / transparent super / mit cables and some more, I eventually settled for tellurium ultra black 2, not because this cable was the best, but until now it was the most fulfilling of the audio spectrum.
Actually none of these cables except the tellurium gave me the fulfilment of giving all there is in a recording.
When reading the review of Christiaan, I was tempted to buy the flow 405.
This could be the end of my quest! Having bi-wired speakers I ordered a set of cables together with jumpers without hearing them!
Hoping for a set of cables that would put an end to my search I installed them, and I was immediately pleasantly surprised: right as the first second began, the sound strongly evolved.
After a few days playing in my main system (class A) I installed them in my second system (class D), expecting to hear the overly clean presentation as a nature of class D. I was very surprised that indeed the amp gave me exactly what I desired, but now with the “flow” Christiaan described.
The magical adaptation of this cable will certainly have to do with the long term study of the designer. Not being very technical, the description of how it was engineered did not entirely convince me, rather it came down to the recommendation of Christiaan.”